Are they seeing the bigger meaning?


Proverbs 29:17 ” Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your heart.”


My youngest son delivers papers. Yesterday while on route he starts to get lazy and just throws the papers on the steps, scattering them all over. I asked him to pick them up and place them under the mats of the customers home. Having explained the reason why once again, he stubbornly ignores my words. I am trying to teach him to respect others and their property. His perception is “Mom is a nag…”.  As I wonder in my mind if maybe I am being to hard, etc, etc, I am handed this handmade card this morning. Your children are listening and watching. Just because you are the big, bad, disciplinarian does not mean that Love is not present. In fact, this card was a true delight to my own heart.

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for all you have done in our lives. Thank you for the gift of our children. Help us to raise them to be kind, loving, forgiving. To be respectful of others. Amen.


2 thoughts on “Are they seeing the bigger meaning?

  1. Awe …. beautiful! 😊 Reconciliation between a child and parent is simply an amazing act of God’s healing power in our lives. Thank you for sharing.

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