Archive | August 2018

Define Love

1 Corinthians 13:5 “it is not rude, it does not see its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,”

What is Love? We all most likely refer to Love as a squishy, melty feeling. A feeling rather than a decision that we make in regards to how we treat others around us. If we were to only love when our feelings and emotions give us the go ahead, how would we grow deeper in relationship to Jesus? How would that be true love?

Let’s face it we all have been wounded, rejected and treated poorly by those around us at one time or another. Our reaction to this might have been ungodly and rather harsh as no one would appreciate being treated poorly. We might have lashed out which in turn would of caused deeper wounds and sin within our lives as well on the one who afflicted the pain. How would those actions reflect the love of Christ?

We all are sinners and when we turn our lives over to Jesus we expect him to accept us as we are. Full of sin, blindness, and deeply hurt by the circumstances that had shaped our lives over time. None of us are perfect and we need to try to look at each other through compassionate eyes. Remembering we expected Jesus to forgive us when we were truly lost without him.

This does not mean we are to be treated in an abusive way and not allow justice to happen in that regard. What it means is when we encounter difficulties in our relations with others we need to look at their heart and be more compassionate. If we can show love even when we ourselves are hurt and angry by sharp words of affliction we too can be more Christ like. Step by step as we practise loving with our new eyes of compassion we can truly show Jesus to our troubled society.

Dear Jesus,
I thank you for loving us and filling our heart’s with compassion. I pray for all those who are hurt in our world that need to witness your love in their lives. Touch their hearts and help them to get to know you at a deeper level. Amen.

This entry was posted on August 6, 2018. 2 Comments