You are redeemed

Isaiah 44:22 “I have swept away your transgressions like a cloud, and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.”

My foundation growing up was quite unstable. I made very bad decisions and choices based on my brokenness at that time. Thinking back to that time period in my life is now a very faded memory. The darkness I once lived has been washed away like a mist in the wind.

Jesus wants to do the same for you as he has in my life. Start by turning to him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation where he will begin to sweep away your transgressions. Stop looking back at the darkness that once was and move forward with God. Take his hand as you walk together down the road to redemption.

Dear Jesus, I thank you for the healing you have done in my life and for the healing that is to come. I pray for those who are lost that they will be found. Heal their brokenness as they open up their hearts to you with true repentance. Amen.

* Please include my name as author when you are sharing these devotions, as I have found through email others sharing them without adding the source. Thanks, Shawna

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